Setup your machine for the workshop =================================== What you should have -------------------- Your machine should have the following installed : * Python (>2.7.10 at least for Python 2 or >3.4 for Python 3). If you are on OSX, installing homebrew and the homebrew python is highly recommended as well. * SQLite (It should be installed on most systems) * Upgrading pip is recommended. .. code-block:: bash pip install --user --upgrade pip Automated setup --------------- A script is provided to install most dependencies in this. Simply run scripts/ located `here `_ from the root of this git repository. Manual Setup ------------ Get Jupyter and virtualenv '''''''''''''''''''''''''' I would recommend installing jupyter and virtualenv for testing. .. code-block:: bash pip install -U --user virtualenv jupyter Virtualenvwrapper ''''''''''''''''' For ease of use I recommend virtualenvwrapper, but this is completely optional. .. code-block:: bash pip install --user virtualenvwrapper export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME source /usr/local/bin/ rmvirtualenv airflow_workshop mkvirtualenv airflow_workshop Virtualenv '''''''''' .. code-block:: bash rm -rf airflow_workshop virtualenv airflow_workshop source airflow_workshop/bin/activate Installing Airflow '''''''''''''''''' The easiest way to install the latest stable version of Airflow is with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash pip install airflow The current stable version is ``1.8.0``. You can install this version specifically by using .. code-block:: bash pip install airflow==1.8.0 As Airflow is still currently evolving a decent amount, I recommend pinning the version you use, if you do not feel like living on the bleeding edge. You can also install Airflow with support for extra features like ``s3`` or ``mysql``: .. code-block:: bash #Install the latest with extras pip install airflow[s3,mysql] #Install the 1.8.0 with specific extras pip install airflow[s3,mysql]==1.8.0 Note that this will only install the Python packages needed to talk to some external systems, but not these systems (MySQL needs to be installed separately by your method of choice.) The current list of `extras` is available `here `_ and an older version can be found in the `docs `_